Saturday, August 30, 2008

About Me

I'm into more than just boxing.  I love Music and I'm currently working with two artist; 1 hip hop artist, TN, 17 yrs old; 1 R&B artist JC 16 yrs old. Another passion of mine is acting and I started my career in 2002 and I've done a couple of indies. I also did some acting on Law and Order season 17.
I'm also a motorcycle junkie and I love to go fast...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can do whatever you want when you put your heart and mind into it... keep producing, you've been doing your thing and you pretty much taught yourself everything you know about it. Stick with it and Go Hard!! Strive for excellence, and leave the BullShitting as people alone!! They wasting your time, and Time Is Money!! You said you're about making money so don't let anyone BS with your time because you wouldn't let them BS with your $!!
- @e...